CI-GEF Project Document Development

Capacity Building

Green Approaches was contracted by the CI-GEF Project Agency to develop a project document for a regional capacity building project. The aim was to strengthen the capacity of COMESA member States to comply with Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement through establishment of  an Eastern and Southern Africa Regional CBIT transparency framework. The team worked collaboratively with the client undertaking work ranging from policy and literature reviews, stakeholder and community engagement and regional sub-consultant management. The Pro-Doc was delivered within time and budget constraints.

Agricultural Insurance Systems Review

Evaluation and Monitoring

We were approached by the Ministry of Environment and Water, Uganda to undertake a review of Opportunities, Challenges and Development of the Viability of Agricultural Insurance Systems in Uganda for Enhancement of Climate Resilience. The team prepared a detailed analysis of Uganda’s farming systems in the various agro-ecological zones. Works included comprehensive literature reviews, onsite stakeholder engagement and development of projects specific data collection methodologies. The client was provided with comprehensive documentation of opportunities for agriculture insurance in the country, synthesis of challenges and risks in agricultural insurance and a set of proposal for effective implementation of agriculture insurance in Uganda

CI-GEF Project Development: Earth Ranger Monitoring Systems

Biodiversity Conservation, Technology and Innovation

Deployment of Earth Ranger Technology for more effective Protected Area Management. Green Approaches was engaged and prepared a GEF Project Document/CEO Endorsement Package for a Full-sized Project (FSP) titled: “The deployment of EarthRanger, a data visualization and analysis software to strengthen Protected Area Management Effectiveness in Africa’s National Parks.” as part of the GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG).

The Global Environment Facility (GEF), Conservation International and Vulcan proposed to improve operations of priority protected areas in several countries across Africa to meet current and future threats. GAL Prepared a three-country project.

Collaboration between Green Approaches and  ACELI-AFRICA

Green Approaches  is collaborating with ACELI-AFRICA to build the capacity of agri- based SMEs in Uganda towards improved productivity and sustainable agro-production.  Aceli is a market-based incentive facility that catalyzes finance for agribusiness SMEs through a reward of “impact bonuses” to lenders for loans that have a significant positive impact.

Green Approaches  provides verification and diagnostic services as well as Technical Assistance – capacity building in sustainable land management; focusing on(i) regenerative practices, which contribute to rebuilding soil health, restoring degraded land, and applying holistic land and ecosystem management practices resulting in both carbon sequestration and improving the water cycle; and (ii) circular agri-based systems, that optimize the use of biomass and renewable resources on-farm, in value-added processing, and along value chains.





The Nigeria Capacity building project to enhance Transparency Reporting

Green Approaches  played a pivotal role in preparing the GEF (Global Environment Facility) project document, leveraging their expertise in sustainable approaches and environmental initiatives. The project focused on building the capacity of Nigerian stakeholders to effectively meet the transparency reporting obligations outlined in the Paris Agreement. The comprehensive document outlined strategies and actions to enhance the understanding and implementation of transparency measures, contributing to Nigeria’s commitment to climate action.

Throughout the project, Green Approaches  provided  valuable insight into sustainable practices and environmental management. The joint efforts aimed at creating a robust framework for transparency reporting, empowering Nigerian stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to fulfill their obligations under the Paris Agreement. This project exemplifies our commitment to fostering global sustainability and supporting nations in their efforts to address climate change challenges.


Establishment of an Arboretum

we have taken significant strides in fostering environmental sustainability through the establishment of a cutting-edge arboretum in Kamuli District (Uganda). Our dedicated team has meticulously curated a diverse collection of tree species, both native and exotic, to create a living showcase of biodiversity. This arboretum serves as a multifaceted platform for research, education, and conservation. We conduct ongoing studies to understand the growth patterns and ecological significance of various trees, contributing valuable insights to sustainable forestry practices. Through educational programs, guided tours, and community engagement initiatives, we strive to raise awareness about the pivotal role of trees in our ecosystem. Our commitment to building and maintaining this arboretum reflects our overarching mission to promote responsible forestry, environmental conservation, and a deeper connection between people and nature.


Forest Plantations

Green Approaches  is establishing forest plantation in additional areas including in Buikwe (Wakisi) and Kamuli (Kiyunga) and Nakasongola districts.Our dedication to sustainable forestry practices is evident in our robust efforts towards forestry plantation. We meticulously plan and execute tree planting initiatives, emphasizing the cultivation of diverse and resilient tree species.Our forestry experts employ advanced techniques to enhance biodiversity, promote soil health, and mitigate the impact of climate change. We engage in community outreach programs, collaborating with local stakeholders to create awareness about the importance of responsible forestry and involving communities in tree planting activities. These concerted efforts not only contribute to carbon sequestration and environmental conservation but also foster a long-term commitment to the well-being of ecosystems and the communities they support.

The Gambia – Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency

Green Approaches Limited (GAL) was contracted by Conservation International (CI) to prepare a GEF Project Document/CEO Endorsement Package for a medium-sized Project (MSP) for implementation in the Gambia. The project was aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Government of Gambia to comply with Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement. GAL worked collaboratively with the client in undertaking work ranging from policy and literature reviews, stakeholder engagement at both national and regional levels. The Pro-Doc was delivered within the scheduled time and available budget.