Uganda, the East African region and the entire African continent are areas collectively endowed with abundant natural forests and woodlands suitable for nature lovers to enjoy the biodiversity. We offer a non- extractive use of natural resources through our eco-tourism arm. Through this, we encourage the sound management of forest reserves, national parks and other forms of protected areas. We are seeking to expand into operation of ecotourism sites in both protected areas and private lands that will engage local communities for development purposes, allowing them to benefit from a whole and healthy system of natural resources, thus encouraging conservation. The National Forestry Authority in Uganda mainly targets 7 sites for ecotourism development namely: Mabira, Budongo (Busingiro), Mpanga, Kalinzu, Agora Agu, Bukaleba and Gamatui CFRS. The potential at these sites is tremendous given the basic facilities in place at each site which only require renovation. However, there is great potential in the smaller reserves as well if they are well developed and marketed, especially if undertaken primarily by the private sector. Green approaches is applying to manage some of the sites.